А вы слышали про самый крупный и влиятельный клуб коллекционеров часов?

Watch Enthusiast of New York (WENY; its members, by analogy, call themselves weenies - “crumbs”, and the Weenie club itself) was founded only in 2005 by the efforts of two collectors.
Watch Enthusiast of New York (WENY; its members, by analogy, call themselves weenies - “crumbs”, and the Weenie club itself) was founded only in 2005 by the efforts of two collectors.
Club meetings take place approximately once a month in one of New York's hotels or restaurants, each time in new places. But in order to become a member of the club, it is not necessary to be an American or live in New York. Just so convenient.
There are 32 members in the club, of which only two are women. You cannot get into this club from the street, only by invitation and only with the consent of all participants.
If members of the Weenie club decide that a new product from such a brand is uninteresting and not worth the investment, in a couple of weeks most of the English-speaking watchmaking fans will know about it. Watch manufactories especially for this club arrange closed presentations and also give them big discounts. Indeed, if the “crumbs” will choose the next issue of watches in honor of the great sailors, then the investment attractiveness of the series among other collectors and simply connoisseurs will immediately increase.